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The New Happy is an organization devoted to transforming the way we define happiness.

We are guided by our three foundational pillars:

Our Science-Backed Philosophy


Through analyzing hundreds of scientific studies, parsing the greatest wisdom traditions, and conducting original research, our founder defined an idea that will not only help you to find happiness but to change the world at the same time.

When you discover your unique gifts and share them with the world, you not only find lasting happiness and fulfill your potential, but you also make the world a better place.

We call this New Happy. This is the path to true happiness. And walking it will change your life forever.


Our Movement


We need a revolution in the way we define happiness.

Our society has told us that we will find happiness by prioritizing our own needs over the well-being of the collective or by pursuing money, power, and fame. We call this Old Happy — and not only does it not work for you, but it has actively harmed our world, too.

Old Happy has led to our mental health crisis, climate crisis, loneliness crisis, economic inequality and racial injustice.

It’s time for us to throw it out — for good.


Our Community

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We don’t change by ourselves — we change in community. We don’t change the world on our own — we do it together.

Our community is an extraordinary place, and becoming a part of it will help you to find your New Happy and transform our world at the same time.

We’re the people you’ve been looking for.


About Our Founder


Stephanie Harrison, Founder & CEO

I have a Masters Degree in the study of positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. I later became an instructor in Penn's graduate program teaching alongside the founder of the field, Dr. Martin Seligman.

Previously, I was head of Curriculum for Thrive Global, where I led the design of behavior change experiences to help millions of employees improve their well-being and performance. Prior to that, I led a product marketing team at LinkedIn and was a management consultant at Deloitte.



Speaking and Consulting


Stephanie works with a limited number of executives and leaders at corporations around the world to help them transform the well-being of their employees.

She also speaks publicly about well-being and happiness, delivering events from small intimate leadership meetings through to company-wide keynotes. Recent engagements include Create & Cultivate Future of Work Conference, New Women, and TEDxVail.