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An email that helps you to become the greatest version of you.

The you that is happy, fulfilled, and making a difference in the world.

What’s inside?

Every Sunday, you’ll get a mixture of practical tools and tips, inspiration, and deep-dives that help you to live your New Happy. You’ll also be able to participate in our flourishing community, where you can share your gifts with others and get the help you need right now.

What’s it like to find your New Happy?

Whenever you have to make a big decision, you know with certainty what to do.

You feel joy and happiness on a daily basis, even when things aren’t going perfectly.

You have complete clarity on what you want,, even if it’s different from what other people tell you to want.

You don’t get distracted by or jealous of other people.

You feel, in your heart, that you are living the life you’re meant to live.

You go to bed every night knowing that you made a real difference in other people’s lives.

You feel, in your heart, that you are living the life you were meant to live.

Subscribers say…

“I truly cannot believe how much amazing support is packed into this newsletter every week for FREE!” — Alyssa, Denver

“I look forward to this email every week.” — Mika, Vancouver

“Your emails have changed my life. I not only figured out why I was unhappy, but I figured out what to do about it. My life has done a complete 180.” — Andrew, Sydney

“I feel so connected to the New Happy community and they have made my life a hundred times better!” — Erika, Milan

Still not sure? Read a recent edition here!