The New Happy is devoted to a life and world-changing idea:

that when discover your unique gifts and share them with the world, you not only make yourself truly happy and fulfill your potential, but you make the world a better place at the same time.

Society got happiness all wrong.

We call it Old Happy: living by someone else’s definition of a good life. We were told that fulfilling our own needs and focusing on ourselves is the way to be happy — it’s not. We were told that we needed to acquire money, power, and fame to be happy — that’s wrong. We were told that other people know best and we should listen to their direction — wrong again!

Old Happy has hurt so many people, communities, and the planet. It has contributed our climate crisis, our mental health crisis, our loneliness crisis, economic inequality and racial injustice. What else did we expect when we told people to focus exclusively on their own needs, prioritize external gratifications, focus on the end goal rather than the process, and ignore the importance of contributing to the common good? The really devastating part is that Old Happy doesn’t work: you end up worse off and so does the world around you.

But we have good news: there is a way forward. We call it New Happy.

Join our movement!

Within each of us is a unique gift that needs to be discovered and shared to fulfill our potential. When you are doing what you are meant to be doing, and sharing your gifts with others, your life — and the world — changes forever.

The New Happy is a movement and community dedicated to changing the way the world thinks about happiness and success. We want you to join us. If we all come together and use our gifts to make the world a better place, we will address our own challenges and the world’s, at the same time.

Living a New Happy life is the ultimate win-win.


Stephanie Harrison


I live to help people redefine happiness for themselves so that they can flourish and make the world a better place.

I have a Masters Degree in the study of positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. I later became an instructor in Penn's graduate program teaching alongside the founder of the field, Dr. Martin Seligman.

Previously, I was head of Curriculum for Thrive Global, where I led the design of behavior change experiences to help millions of employees improve their well-being and performance. I led a product marketing team at LinkedIn and was a management consultant at Deloitte. I live in Palo Alto with my partner Alexander and our dog Cleo.

Please reach out: I’d love to hear from you!