Forget SMART goals; try VAMOS instead

Use The VAMOS Checklist to Achieve Your Goals


Our goals are often made intuitively: we have a gut sense for what we want and what it will look like, and we articulate it bluntly.

I want to lose 20 pounds.

I am going to run a marathon.

I am going to write a book.

Most of us leave the goal there, with the sense that since we are quite clear on what the end looks like, we should be able to move forward and achieve it. I call these ‘after-picture’ goals.

However, extensive research in behavior change has found that this type of goal-setting is insufficient, and in fact, sets us up for likely failure. We need to go a level deeper and carefully, thoughtfully, and consciously refine our process for achieving the goal to have any chance at success.

An after-picture goal is just the first step. Now, the real work begins. Here’s a tool to help with that: the VAMOS checklist.

Why after-picture goals don’t work

While there are a number of bugs in the human operating system that get in the way of our goal achievement, there are a few that are especially tricky — and they are all tripped up by the after-picture goal.

  • It’s easy to imagine an after-picture, but it’s really hard to take action towards it. We are intimidated by big objectives without clear paths, especially if the big objective is something vague like ‘be happy’ or ‘become more mindful’, and the easiest route to take when confronted with one is to… do nothing at all.

  • Imagining an after-picture is incredibly motivating — for about a day. Motivation is notoriously fickle after an initial boost of energy. We can’t rely upon it to get us through the cold mornings, the sacrifices, and the days we really, really would rather do anything else.

  • After-pictures are, by their nature, very rosy and optimistic. They don’t help us to anticipate the very inevitable setbacks or challenges — instead, they nudge us towards feeling like failures if we miss a day, which often is enough for most of us to throw in the towel. But setbacks are just a reality, and how we deal with them is often the difference between those who fail and those who succeed.

We need a system that helps us to move beyond imaginings of what success will look like at the end, and instead, focus on how to succeed in the process of achieving it.

Try the VAMOS Checklist

The next time you’re setting a resolution or a goal, use this checklist to help set you up for success on the journey — doing so will lead you towards your after-picture with such a greater likelihood of success.

  • Vague: Is your goal vague in any way? If it is, how can you bring it into crystal-clear clarity?

  • Achievable: Does the goal hit the sweet spot between ‘not ambitious enough to motivate me’ and ‘too ambitious that it paralyzes me’? (Remember, this sweet spot is different for all of us.)

  • Meaningful: Is it personally significant for you? How does it connect to your purpose, your values, or your passions? Do you have clarity on the ‘why’ behind it?

  • Outputs: What are the outputs of the goal — the daily actions you take and the habits you’ll need to cultivate? How will you track and measure them?

  • Setbacks: What setbacks do you think you will face as you pursue your outputs? And when you do face them, how will you respond?

Spending just a few minutes going through this checklist will help to ensure you avoid many of the after-picture goal problems and instead, that you orient yourself to a brand new mindset: one that is focused on showing up each day, the best you can, for the journey. Give this checklist a try for your next goal and let us know how it goes!

Stephanie Harrison