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We’ve been told a lie.

We have more stuff, money, and connections — but we’re unhappier than ever before.

Our free weekly newsletter will help change that: you’ll learn what really works and find your very own New Happy.

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Five Habits for Happiness

All the things that are good in life (great relationships, thriving communities, virtuous achievements, happiness) are founded on what my professor Angela Duckworth called “the accretion of mundane acts.” 

Eating your vegetables. Practicing kindness. Building the tiny elements of a skill. Cultivating your mind to be resilient and optimistic.

Day in, day out. The accretion of mundane acts.

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Savor The Good

We spend so much effort trying to accumulate good things in our lives. But what if a far more effective strategy was to pay attention to the good that is already present? In today's episode, we're unpacking the neuroscience of savoring, a practice that can lead to increased resilience, wellbeing, optimism, and higher-quality relationships.

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Old Happy is the pursuit of wealth, fame, and power, believing that they will make you happy. Our society has told us, over and over again, that this will lead to a good life — but hundreds of studies have proved it doesn’t work. Our belief in Old Happy has harmed ourselves and our world.

New Happy is finding your gifts and using them to serve the world. It is scientifically proven to make you happy and to change the world for the better. We are here to help you find yours.

Learn more about our ground-breaking, life-changing philosophy

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The pandemic just keeps going, and going, and going. You’re frustrated, angry, sad, stressed, and overwhelmed. You just want things to go back to normal.

The bad news: things are going to be this way for a while.

The good news: there are specific, science-backed tools that can help you to navigate through this pandemic with more resilience, less stress, and more joy. And we’ve put them into this book to help you.

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